Thursday, July 19, 2012

Now enrolling for the fall semester!

Wow!  It's hard to believe that it's already time for school to start back.  Our students only have about two and a half weeks left of summer vacation.  So that means it's time to start enrolling for the fall semester.  Our summer has been busy and HCA is growing.  We've added a lot of new students and most of them are choosing to continue with us in the fall.  That makes us proud!  We've also had the opportunity to hire additional teachers.  This summer we added a new elementary school teacher, middle school teacher, high school teacher, and study skills teacher.  I look for us to add even more in the fall.  Speaking of fall, the schedule is already filling up quickly but there are a few slots still available.  If your child needs homework help, reinforcement of concepts and skills, enrichment or acceleration, SAT Prep, or help with study & organization skills, then contact us today!  Many of our students come back which is a testament to how pleased they are with the quality of instruction they receive at High Country Academy.  How can we help you?