Monday, May 20, 2013

Relieving Testing Anxiety in Students

As the school year comes to a close, we are all looking for ways to help students on the End-of-Grade tests. It is our philosophy at High Country Academy to focus on content knowledge so that students will be prepared and knowledgeable of the subject matter that they will be tested on.  We also provide students with test-taking strategies that they can use when taking the tests. Your child’s school will probably send home information suggesting your child get a good night's sleep and a healthy breakfast. In addition to these things, the following ideas might also be helpful:

1)     Teach your child deep breathing exercises to help them relax. Inhaling and exhaling to the count of five can help with the physical symptoms of anxiety. Encourage your child to focus on the task at hand as they finish the breathing exercise.

2) Encourage your child to write about how they are feeling. Recent research indicates that when children write about their feelings regarding standardized tests, they tend to perform better on them. Ask your child to complete this sentence and elaborate as much as possible:
When I think about the test, I feel _______ because _______.  Through writing, you can give your child space to find an emotional middle ground. They are able to work through some of the emotions they are experiencing and then figure out a way to handle them.

3) Reinforce your child’s efforts. Remind them of all the things they are doing to prepare for the tests. Good attendance, finishing homework, and of course, tutoring sessions at High Country Academy are all factors that will help them be successful on the EOGs.

If your child is having testing anxiety, please talk to your child's tutor. We want to work with you to reduce their anxiety and to ensure they are successful.

From the desk of Laura C.

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